The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has expanded the budget allocation for the 2023 call of the Aeronautical Technology Program (PTA), which goes from the 41.6 million initially planned to 70 million euros.
In total, together with the two previous calls, the Government is going to grant close to 190 million euros through this program, which has the objective of generating new capabilities in the aeronautical sector of our country and creating opportunities for our talent and companies in this area.
Thanks to the increase in the budget, the last PTA call, closed on May 16, 2023 and which has European funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, will finance more than half of the grant applications received.
Specifically, 50 consortium projects have been submitted to this latest call, 23 of which are led by large or medium-sized companies and 27 by SMEs, with a total of 160 participating companies and 195 participations (including companies that participate in more than a consortium).
Aeronautical Technological Program (PTA)
This program, managed by the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), finances projects in competitive competition around the challenges identified in the sector regarding emissions reduction, unmanned aerial vehicles, intelligent and advanced systems and manufacturing (digitalization ).
The PTA will allow the national industry to be trained in disruptive and strategic technologies, in addition to positioning Spanish companies to achieve better participation in large international development programs for new aircraft.
Aeronautics is one of the most R&D-intensive sectors, with products with high added value and fundamentally exporters. Therefore, the program is aimed at consortium proposals that allow strengthening cooperation between agents, as well as encouraging cooperation with technology centers and research organizations.
The PTA responds to the public effort to reinforce support for the aeronautical sector, thus facilitating the maintenance of R&D intensity in companies that allows addressing the technological changes necessary to decarbonize the sector in favor of non-polluting fuels such as hydrogen or multi-application of drones and air taxis.