Release of a new version of the EUMETSAT Data Tailor

This new version offers the xRIT format customisation for the High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data Collection. Note: the version of this format is not Wavelet Compressed.

The EUMETSAT Data Tailor software is a product customisation toolbox. It makes it possible for users to subset and aggregate our data products in space and time, filter layers, generate quicklooks, re-project onto new coordinate reference systems, and reformat into common GIS formats (netCDF, GeoTIFF, etc.). It offers a uniform way to transform both historical and near real time satellite data provided by EUMETSAT.

The Data Tailor offers a web user interface (WebUI), command line interface and a python application programming interface (API), allowing users to incorporate its capability into their own processing systems. In addition the Data Tailor web REST-API interface that allows it to be invoked from other web applications, including the EUMETSAT Data Store.

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