largest Liquid Ethylene Gas (LEG) ship owner in China has agreed a commitment
to install Fleet Xpress connectivity from Inmarsat, the world leader in global,
mobile satellite communications on all its vessels. This will also include
Inmarsat’s Fleet Secure Endpoint, the new line of defence in the multi-layered
strategy to thwart cyber threats.
Pacific Gas has committed to the new Fleet Secure Endpoint solution within the
terms of its agreement to install Fleet Xpress across all their operational
ships by the end of this year as well as on its future vessels.
The Hong Kong-headquartered group has the capacity to carry 3 million tons of
cargo annually and has signalled intentions of an expansion beyond its existing
focus on very large gas carriers and liquefied ethylene gas carriers into
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) carriers and Very Large Ethane carriers (VLECs).
The ambitions of Pacific Gas have driven evolving connectivity needs, demanding
the bandwidth, seamless global coverage, guaranteed performance and 24/7
support available through Fleet Xpress, according to Capt. Tao Yong, Vice
President Fleet, Pacific Gas.
“Fleet Xpress helps us to scale our digital activities and complement the ship
management software that we installed for resource planning on vessels,” said
Capt. Tao Yong. “With real-time data exchange, vessels are now an extension to
our shore office and we base our operational efficiency and performance gains
on continuous monitoring and real-time upgrades and assistance. Internet access
at sea is also vital for crew welfare and essential to attracting and retaining
talented crew.”
Capt. Tao Yong adds that always-on connectivity and shipping’s progress towards
digitalisation creates new requirements to protect ships against
cybercriminals. Stable connections are vital for a company continuously
monitoring its ships remotely using CCTV for security, for example.
“With our growing dependence on technology and providing open internet access
we could be susceptible to cyberattacks, so we needed more than a conventional
anti-virus to protect our systems 24/7 and from the various kinds of evolving
threats,” continued Capt. Tao Yong. “As a modern ship owner we ensure that all our
vessels are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and security systems that
complement Inmarsat’s global, secure and reliable connectivity.”
Fleet Secure Endpoint monitors ship systems for security breaches introduced at
‘endpoints’, either by malicious software or by a new crew device with no
security installed, reporting a ‘rogue node’ and isolating them from the rest
of the network until issue resolution. Powered by ESET Endpoint Security –
recognised for its high performance by industry authority Gartner Inc. – Fleet
Secure’s advanced monitoring stands out from the competition by offering the
user a greater sense of control and awareness over their environment.
“Pacific Gas is one of the growing number of quality operators adopting
practical and pragmatic mitigation strategies that prioritise cybersecurity on
shore and at sea,” says Peter Broadhurst, Senior Vice President of Safety and
Security, Inmarsat. “These companies recognise that the risks of a cyberattack
on a vessel extend beyond loss of reputation; they include the risk of delays
to the ship and cargo delivery or increased insurance premiums.”
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