African satellite market
Government IT solution
Connecting Africa’s vast landscape
New high-tech chips can track distress victims
Scaling up NIMET’s corporate strategy
Leveraging mobile applications to support health information management system
A more strategic approach is needed to deal with oil spill in Lagos harbour
Leveraging technological expertise to address challenges of communities
Cellular Backhaul/Broadband Connectivity
The Business case for satellite managed services
Managing satellite capacity in commercial operations
New applications driving the maritime market
Can Cost-Effective Shipboard Video Chat achieve Maximum Performance
Large scale broadband deployments at zero cost is feasible
Satellite Broadcasting
Contribution of digital migration to national socio-economic base
Trends, opportunities and challenges in the African digital market
Providing exclusive audiovisuals in Africa, yesterday, today and tomorrow
Regulatory landscape
Consequences of IMT pressure on aeronautical telecoms services How satellite imagery helps in air disaster management
Deploying Integrated IT solutions for the Nigerian Ports system Building Geo-informatics capacity in Africa